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Cheapseat Reviews

Welcome to Cheapseat Reviews the podcast that explores the Hollywood fil industry for the greater good 

Sep 22, 2017

2015's American Ultra

A stoner - who is in fact a government agent - is marked as a liability and targeted for extermination. But he's too well-trained and too high for them to handle.

Not really stoner Bourne, but close enough

Cheapseat Reviews: the podcast that explores the Hollywood film industry for the greater...

Sep 18, 2017

1998's Waterboy

A waterboy for a college football team discovers he has a unique tackling ability and becomes a member of the team.

We review this 90's classic comedy

Cheapseat Reviews the podcast that explores the Hollywood film industry for the greater good. 

Sep 9, 2017

1998's Lost in Space

The Robinson family was going into space to fight for a chance for humanity. Now they are fighting to live long enough to find a way home.

Corny joins us late to determine if this 1998 film holds up to the test of time. 

Cheapseat Reviews: the podcast that explores the Hollywood film industry for...

Sep 3, 2017

2016's Kill Command

Set in a near future, technology-reliant society that pits man against killing machines.

This low budget film shows once again, that just because it's low budget, doesn't mean you have to have horrible writing

Cheapseat Reviews: the podcast that explores the Hollywood film industry for the greater...